The research archive contains earlier research published by the Sport and Recreation Alliance.
Nearly 3,000 sports clubs across more than 100 different sports took part in our 2013 survey to give us a full look at the health of the UK’s grassroots community clubs.
The Reconomics report brings together all the existing information, research and evidence relating to the impact of outdoor recreation and provides a compelling case to politicians of the true value of outdoor recreation.
Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Survey (2012)
Following the UK's success at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Sport and Recreation Alliance wanted to know whether the UK is on its way to becoming a world-class sporting nation.
The Game of Life report brings together, for the first time, all of the best evidence to support all the reasons why sport is good for you.
Alliance research written in partnership with the Future Foundation – the world’s number one independent consumer trends and insight firm – explores the five key trends that every sport and recreation organisation must be aware of.
Red Card to Red Tape: One year on (2012)
Following on from 2011's Red Card to Red Tape, Red Card to Red Tape: One year on tells the story of the battles the Alliance has won, the debates we’re still having and where there is more work to do to free sport and recreation of unnecessary regulation.
Red Card to Red Tape reviews over 50 regulatory burdens impacting on sport and recreation clubs and makes more than 100 recommendations for removing barriers.
This is a survey every two years in order to understand the financial health, membership make-up, facility usage and upcoming opportunities and challenges for community sports clubs. The results presented in the 2011 survey are based upon responses received from 1,942 sports clubs across over 40 different sports.
This is an independent inquiry conducted by the Sport and Recreation Alliance (then called the CCPR) into the quantity, quality and use of facilities in the UK.
Our biennial research into the health of sports clubs, taking a snapshot of club finances, membership levels, facility usage and future challenges and opportunities. With responses from over 3,000 clubs across the UK the results make fascinating reading.
Getting the Ball Rolling (2009)
A report detailing the potential impact of sport for developing communities under the policy priorities of the Labour Government (1997-2010).
Sports Clubs: their economic and social impact (2006)
On behalf of the Alliance, the Carnegie Research Institute at Leeds Metropolitan University investigated the contribution made by sports clubs to the economic and social benefit provided to the wider community. The research focused on 54 sports clubs in Leeds.
Economic Value of Countryside Recreation and Sports (2005)
Commissioned by the Alliance and Sport England, the Tourism Leisure and Environmental Change Research Unit conducted an analysis of published evidence on the economic value of countryside sport and recreation.
Citizenship in Action Report (2003)
The University of Sheffield undertook an evaluation into the research evidence on the contribution of voluntary sector sport and recreation to the agenda of the Active Community Unit.
Saving Lives, Saving Money Report (2002)
Saving Lives, Saving Money analysed the 2001 physical activity plans from 55 health authorities in England and Wales to ascertain the extent of the plans with a view to highlighting and spreading best practice.