Innovating to grow participation in sport and physical activity
The Alliance’s latest research written in partnership with the Future Foundation – the world’s number one independent consumer trends and insight firm – explores the five key trends that every sport and recreation organisation must be aware of.
Featuring a mixture of real-life case studies and research, Future Trends forecasts five themes which they believe will become increasingly important to all of us in the sport and recreation sector.
The five key trends are:
- The Quantified Self – The use of technology to collect, analyse and interpret data about movement and performance.
- Game on – The incorporation of playfulness into mainstream products, services and retail contexts.
- Healthy hedonism – The increasing expectation that healthy behaviours should be fun. Consumers no longer want to make a choice between enjoyment and sensible choices.
- Performance perfection – The use of social media to broadcast views and experiences and interact with others with similar interests.
- Cult of the home – The increasing role that our living rooms play as attractive spaces in which to socialise and engage with sport and recreation.
Download the report below.