Brexit Guidance
The Sport and Recreation Alliance continue to support the sector at these uncertain times. We have pulled together a number of documents you may find useful. The modules set out on our website therefore aim to offer some brief guidance on the key sector-specific challenges to be thinking about in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit and what you can be doing now to prepare for and mitigate the risks as much as feasibly possible and where you can find further guidance. It is not intended to provide legal advice.
Commercial Impact
The exact manner of the UK’s exit from the EU is unknown, but despite this uncertainty, organisations should start thinking now about possible implications from Brexit, and a key element of this will be the potential commercial impact on your organisation.
Data Protection
All organisations are affected by data protection, whether that's the data they collect in respect of their volunteers and staff, the performance analysis of athletes, marketing to members or the data they receive to support integrity and regulatory functions.
Immigration and the Right to Work
Despite uncertainty over Brexit, the position regarding rights of EU nationals to live and work in the UK is clear. We also have an idea of how the landscape may look when a new regime is introduced in January 2021.
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights lie at the heart of commercial opportunities offered by the world of sport and recreation. They secure the economic value of sport, enable organisations to fund high-profile events and provide the means to promote development.
Travel and Logistics
Being able to travel seamlessly in the EU, whether you're a sportsperson, coach, administrator, volunteer or spectator is crucial in the sport and recreation sector. There are a number of things to think about in the event of a no-deal Brexit if travel is going to be necessary.
VAT and Customs
In principle, taxes most affected by a no-deal Brexit are those where the rules are imposed at EU level – such as customs duties, VAT and certain information sharing rules. The exact impact on an organisation will depend largely on the type of organisation in question.
Alliance Brexit Support
With the conversation around Brexit moving all the time, the Sport and Recreation Alliance is continuously looking to support the sector at these uncertain times. We have pulled together a number of documents you may find useful.