Board Evaluation Services


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The introduction of A Code for Sports Governance subjects Tier 3 organisations to time-bound mandatory governance requirements; including requirements to recruit skills-based boards and carry out independent board evaluations. We believe that a high standard of governance is one of the most important factors in preparing an organisation to be fit for future. 

The Process

Board evaluation is a key part of the governance process. The main purpose of this assessment is to enable boards and trustees to identify areas of improvement that affects board effectiveness and focus on board behaviours that need to be adjusted.

A well-conducted evaluation helps the board not only to assess its effectiveness, identify skills required for new appointments and prepare succession planning but also highlights areas for further development, gives a sense of competence and brings positive change.

Our evaluation comprises of key steps for an effective assessment including a detailed initial consultation with the board chair, CEO and/or the governance lead. We will focus particularly on providing independent analysis on current effectiveness, areas of strength to celebrate, strengthen and sustain and any potential areas of improvement.  

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Our Virtual Board Evaluation service allows boards to continue board effectiveness reviews despite the coronavirus pandemic.

For all its challenges, the pandemic has presented many opportunities to the sector and one of them is the advantages of agile working practices. Keeping this in mind, our virtual board evaluation service will continue throughout 2020 and beyond.

This provides an opportunity for boards to conduct reviews without holding physical time and continue embracing the ‘new normal’ working practices.