Podcasts and Webinars
These podcasts and webinars are part of our Governance Training Programme which offer you expert guidance and training around The Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation and has been developed by the in-house Alliance Governance team for our members and specifically for the sector.
Demystifying A Code for Sports Governance
Sport England and UK Sport’s Code for Sports Governance sets out Tier level governance requirements for public funded organisations. This webinar is designed to provide a good understanding of what the three tiers mean to sport boards, how the Code is applied and what is expected of organisations.
Board Evaluation Webinar
This webinar is for board committees and individual board directors who are looking to benchmark their governance processes against best practice and identify where they can make improvements.
Conflict of Interest webinar
In this webinar you can find out what is the Conflict of Interest and how to identify it.
Top tips for Creating your Vision and Mission Webinar
This webinar will support you in delivering a successful strategy. It will cover top tips and help you to create and implement an effective vision and mission within your organisation.
Accountability and Transparency Webinar
This one-hour webinar will discuss what measures you can take to protect your organisations credibility and how open engagement with your members allows for transparency.
Recorded Podcast: Unconscious bias - how is it impacting our sector?
This podcast will provide you with an insight into the unconscious bias in sport, and how unconscious bias can have an impact and influence on organisations and the sport and recreation sector as a whole.
Podcast: Transgender participation - top tips for being trans-inclusive
This podcast has been produced in partnership with LawInSport and is perfect for anyone considering the way they interact with transgender participants, volunteers and coaches in their organisation.