Comparative Codes

UK Sport, Sport England, Sport Scotland and Sport Wales have adopted their own governance codes or frameworks for organisations within their jurisdiction. A summary of these is given below.

A Code for Sport Governance – Sport England and UK Sport

In force since April 2017, this code is mandatory for any organisation in direct receipt of Sport England or UK Sport funding. This code has five principles, which cover similar ground to the Principles outlined in this document:

A Code for Sports Governance Principles

Closest Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation Equivalent

  1. Structure

Principle 2: Organisation’s Vision and Mission and Principle 3: Leadership & Role of the Board

  1. People

Principle 4: Board Structure

  1. Communication

Principle 6: Accountability and Transparency and Principle 7: Engaging with the Sport and Recreation Landscape

  1. Standards & Conduct

Principle 1: Integrity

  1. Policies & Processes

Principle 5: Controls and Compliance

Organisations funded by Sport England or UK Sport will discuss their specific responsibilities under the code with their relationship manager, as part of the funding agreement.

Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales – Sport Wales

The Framework was launched in April 2015, after a period of development in partnership between Sport Wales, the Sport and Recreation Alliance and the Welsh sport sector. The framework was developed from the Voluntary Code of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation, the precursor to this document, so there is a lot of similarity between the Framework and these principles.

Governance and Leadership Framework for Wales Principle

Closest Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation Equivalent

  1. Integrity

Principle 1: Integrity

  1. Defining and evaluating the role of your board

Principle 3: Leadership & Role of the Board

  1. Setting vision, mission and purpose

Principle 2: Organisation’s Vision and Mission

  1. Objectivity: Balanced, inclusive and skilled

Principle 4: Board Structure

  1. Standards, Systems and Controls

Principle 5: Controls and Compliance

  1. Accountability and Transparency

Principle 6: Accountability and Transparency

  1. Understanding and engaging with the sporting landscape

Principle 7: Engaging with the Sport and Recreation Landscape

All Welsh NGBs have been encouraged to sign up to the Framework, and other sporting organisations in Wales have been encouraged to sign up also, but full compliance with the Framework is not a mandatory requirement for Welsh NGBs.

Sport Governing Body (SGB) Governance Framework - sportscotland

sportscotland introduced the SGB Governance Framework in 2015 to support their SGB investment decision-making process; recognising the link between performance, development and good governance. The twelve core principles of the governance framework encourage SGBs to improve their governance and ensure consistency with the sportscotland investment principles.

SGB Governance Framework Principle

Closest Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation Equivalent

  1. Commitment to implementing the Nolan Principles

Principle 1: Integrity and Principle 6: Accountability and Transparency

  1. Commitment to continuous improvement

Principle 4: Board Structure

  1. Strategic planning framework

Principle 2: Organisation’s Vision and Mission

  1. Appropriate Board Composition

Principle 4: Board Structure

  1. Succession Planning

Principle 4: Board Structure

  1. Effective performance management

Principle 3: Leadership & Role of the Board

  1. Clear roles and responsibilities

Principle 3: Leadership & Role of the Board

  1. Legally Compliant

Principle 5: Controls and Compliance

  1. Effective control environment

Principle 5: Controls and Compliance

  1. Appropriate Operational Structure

Principle 3: Leadership & Role of the Board

  1. Positive relations and partnerships

Principle 7: Engaging with the Sport and Recreation Landscape

  1. Proactive GB and home country engagement

Principle 7: Engaging with the Sport and Recreation Landscape

The framework is not mandatory, but it is used for reference as part of the independent NGB development audit process and development targets related to the framework principles can be set by mutual agreement.

Outside the Sport and Recreation Sector

There are many other codes of governance applying to different organisations outside the sport and recreation sector. The most relevant for sport and recreation organisations is the leading code for the Voluntary and Charity sector.

Good Governance: A code for the Voluntary and Community Sector

This is a voluntary code of good governance for charities, created by a steering group including representatives of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO); the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO); the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA); the Small Charities Coalition; and ICSA, the Governance Institute.

The code is sector led, and supported by the Charity Commission. If your organisation is a registered charity, then you may find this code to be a useful reference.

A similar document, adapted from Good Governance: A code for the Voluntary and Community Sector, is published in Northern Ireland by the Developing Governance Group, titled The Code for Good Governance.